George Wassouf Best of Wassouf TarabPlaylist46 Tracks05:13:152024Play Yah 3al Zaman George Wassouf يا بياعين الهوى George Wassouf Ma Teoulou Leeh George Wassouf ليل العاشقين George Wassouf لو يواعدني الهوى George Wassouf Law Naweit George Wassouf Lelhawa Ahkam George Wassouf لعب الهوى George Wassouf Kalam El Nas George Wassouf Gouli Wlatkhbish George Wassouf Ghalabah Fil Hob George Wassouf عشاق اخر زمن George Wassouf صياد الطيور George Wassouf Sa7i El Leil George Wassouf Seket El Kalam George Wassouf Zaman Al Ajayeb George Wassouf Rohi Yanssmah George Wassouf Rouh Al Rouh George Wassouf Garahouna George Wassouf Tikhsar Rihanak George Wassouf بتعتبني على كلمة George Wassouf أوعديني George Wassouf اه حبايب George Wassouf انا راضي بالسهر George Wassouf الهوى سلطان George Wassouf الكلمة الطيبة George Wassouf الغالي George Wassouf العاشق مننا George Wassouf الحب الاولاني George Wassouf اسمعيني بكلمة George Wassouf ارضى بالنصيب George Wassouf Youm El Wadaa George Wassouf Yaly Gamalak George Wassouf Ya Eany ah George Wassouf Wayya Al Qadar George Wassouf W Mshina Ya Habibi George Wassouf Targhalli George Wassouf Tabib Garrah George Wassouf Sibt El Dounya George Wassouf Sibhom George Wassouf Shei Gharib George Wassouf Salamtak Biyed Allah George Wassouf Salaf W Dayn George Wassouf Saber Werady George Wassouf Roho Loh Wisalouh George Wassouf m Followers: 2 Follow Following August 27, 2024August 27, 2024More from Play Mesh Enta Nancy Ajram Play Khiyam El Badou Assi El Hellani Play روحي شوفي اللي حبوكي Melhem Barakat Play Sabrak Alaya Nancy Ajram Play Ahla Al Oyoun Assi El Hellani Play Inta Nancy Ajram Play Elly Kan Nancy Ajram Play اه حبايب George Wassouf Play Nancy 10 Nancy Ajram Play لو يواعدني الهوى George Wassouf Play Yemken Assi El Hellani Play انا راضي بالسهر George Wassouf Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Having An Issue Click on reporting Button Below and Fill in the form Report Report Form Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Track Information * Report Reason * Copyright IssueInnapropriate ContentMisleading Info Additional Details Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.